CBD 101 and FAQ

Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is one of more than a hundred phytocannabinoids found in the hemp and cannabis plant. Phyto meaning from plant, and cannabinoid, relating to the molecular structure. The most well-known phytocannabinoid is THC, which is the molecule responsible for the psychoactive or “high” euphoric (or sometimes paranoid) feeling associated with marijuana. Although CBD is not psychoactive like its cousin THC, it does tout its own robust therapeutic profile. CBD is a molecule, not a cure-all miracle. At Remedy, we are excited about the results our clients are getting with the use of CBD. 

Cannabinoids that are produced naturally by our body are termed endocannabinoids. Both phytocannabinoids and endocannabinoids exert their effects via the endocannabinoid system or ECS for short. The ECS has far-reaching effects on pain perception, cognition, appetite, and immune function to name a few. Scientists refer to CBD as a “promiscuous” compound because it confers therapeutic benefits in many different ways while tapping into how we function physiologically and biologically on a deep level. Extensive preclinical research and some clinical studies have shown that CBD has strong anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, anti-depressant, anti-tumoral, and neuroprotective qualities. We optimistically await more research in its variety of uses! Below we give you more background on some of our most frequently asked questions!


Hemp vs Marijuana

Hemp and marijuana are both in the cannabis family. By law, hemp is only allowed to contain 0.3% THC, which is not enough to feel the psychoactive effects. The 2018 Farm Bill made Hemp federally legal. At Remedy, we only sell CBD products that come from hemp plants. It is important to note that although you are very unlikely to feel any of the effects of THC at this level, it could (albeit unlikely) trigger a positive result on a drug screening. There are specific products that are manipulated to contain 0% THC which would be fine for those who are concerned about drug screenings. Interestingly CBD is known to help with reducing the paranoid feeling that some people experience with the use of THC.


Full Spectrum vs Isolate

‘Full spectrum’ or ‘whole plant’ CBD products contain all of the phytocannabinoids and other constituents in hemp in their naturally occurring ratios. This is preferred by some for what is called the “Entourage Effect”. The entourage effect supports that the many compounds found in the hemp or marijuana plant, when kept together, act synergistically which magnifies the therapeutic benefits of the plant’s individual components. This would be in direct comparison to a CBD isolate product. CBD isolate products extract CBD (using various methods, some of which are better than others) to get a final concentrated product of 100% CBD. This is then diluted in some sort of carrier oil, lotion, edible or other final product. The most studied and popular compounds that make up this entourage effect are the terpenes. 



Terpenes are volatile aromatic molecules that evaporate easily and have a strong fragrance. Various researchers have emphasized the pharmacological importance of terpenes, or terpenoids, which form the basis of aromatherapy, a popular holistic healing modality. Terpenes, it turns out, are healthy for people as well as plants. The terpenes in marijuana have given the plant an enduring, evolutionary advantage. Pungent terpenoid oils repel insects and animal grazers; others prevent fungus. We are seeing a rise in the popularity of specific terpenes as we learn more about their clinical effects. More products are starting to take advantage of terpene activities by adding in terpenes that are known to have medicinal effects. At Remedy, we carry CBD tinctures that tout enhanced terpene profiles, such as the Sleep tincture by On-the-Green CBD. This product has added limonene. Limonene. This terpene can be found in citrus peels as well as in cannabis. Limonene has been shown to lower anxiety and stress. Limonene has also been shown to have antidepressant effects. Scientists think its medicinal effects come from limonene’s ability to elevate serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is an important hormone and neurotransmitter for sleep (among other things, it is required to help produce the sleep hormone melatonin) and limonene’s serotonin-boosting effects may make this terpene a sleep-promoter. Studies have shown that limonene may help reduce insomnia symptoms. Studies on high dose terpenes taken orally are limited. We look forward to more studies in this area, including more data on safety and efficacy.



Overall, CBD (especially in the whole plant, hemp form) is very safe. One group that does need to avoid CBD is women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. People who are on certain medications should also be cautious as some drug interactions are known. One of the biggest safety concerns right now is the varying quality of products. As laws and regulations are rapidly progressing and trying to catch up with the demand it is up to the individual to determine a poor quality product from a high-quality one. There are a few tricks to doing this, and we will be posting a few of our quality checks later this week. One thing is for sure, any CBD product you get at Remedy, we stand by 100%.