Wool Flannel for Castor Oil Packs
Wool Flannel, 12" x 28"
100% Wool
- Reusable
- Unbleached, Extra Thick Weave
- Specifically Designed for Use as Castor Oil Packs
- Comes in a Reusable Storage Bag
Castor Oil has been used through out the ages as an alternative therapy. Today, it is used as an emollient and skin softener, application for castor oil packs, a massage oil for muscles and joints, gastrointestinal problems, lacerations, and other skin disorders such as psoriasis. It is also found in many skin care products. Castor oil applied externally in the form of "packs" is a method of application that is very popular with health care practitioners. They have been used to improve assimilation, elimination and circulation; especially of the lymphatic system.